is my reaction to what Trump and his enablers are attempting to do to with the Post Office in order to steal the election.
1) it pisses people off
2) it hurts rural folks a lot, and they are Trump voters
3) it hurts veterans bc they cannot get their meds in a timely fashion, which makes a group from which Trump needs a substantial share far less likely to vote for him
4) it encourages people to organize to help people vote, whether by mail, early in person, or in person on election day
5) It will almost certainly lead to a much heavier early vote, whether in person or via mail (absentee or otherswise — that diminishes any impact of a so-called October Surprise because more people will already have voted
6) It makes people who might have been reluctant to vote FOR Biden more willing to vote AGAINST Trump, and any Republican who is enabling him.
And Trump and some of his enablers are speaking so openly about what they are doing (hello Ron Johnson) that those statements will make people more determined to register their votes against Trump and his enablers.
I think we are in the process of seeing Trump finding a way of decreasing the share of the popular vote he will receive because he is increasing the number of people willing to turn out in some fashion or another to vote against him.
You will find the equivalent of what happened in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. You will see people providing transportation to folks without their own to vote early in person and/or to get to the drop boxes to be sure their absentee/mail-in votes are there in time. I have already seen efforts like that on Twitter. Limiting the number of drop boxes as the Republican Secretary of State in Ohio is trying to do will only serve to fuel such efforts.
COULD I BE WRONG ABOUT ALL THIS? Perhaps, but we are now in a very different time, as has been made clear in the demonstrations after the murder of George Floyd, and the continuing ravages on American society (including the economy) by a pandemic that Trump has dismissed as a hoax, praised the Chinese for what they were doing before he blamed them, and refused to do what was in his power and his bully pulpit to address.
All of this is both stupid and counterproductive to his changes of re-election.