Friday Aug 14 Limbaugh used 600 radio stations licensed to operate in the public interest to tell 20 million Americans that Senator Kamala Harris is a whore and ‘mattress’ who slept her way up the political ladder.
Limbaugh announced the Biden/Harris ticket has a nickname — “Joe and the Hoe”.
He claims it’s not his knickname but he knows his repetition of it to 20 million people a day will establish it. He made his intention clear by making sure everyone knew to spell ‘ho’ with an ‘e’ as in ‘hoe’ — so technically it wasn’t ‘getto’ slang to suggest Senator Harris was a whore….
He repeated it a few times during the short segment, knowing it will get picked up by listeners and other talk show hosts. His listeners will call other shows because they can never get through to him and it’s possible paid callers from US and Russian think tanks will help spread it too.
Demented stage 4 cancer patient Limbaugh is sounding even more irrational than usual and it’s hard to tell when he’s quoting someone else or making stuff up.
In explaining why the Biden/Harris ticket deserves that nickname Limbaugh quoted a source:
“It is no secret but public knowledge that Kamala Harris slept her way up into California political life by being a very public escort and mattress for California Democrat Kingmaker Willie Brown.”
“That is why Kamala Harris, who openly and brazenly slept her way into California Democrat state politics by publicly hooking onto the very married Willie Brown,
From that Limbaugh concludes:
So we have two different stories here that are trading off the known fact that she was Willie Brown’s mattress,
They had a consensual affair?
Advertisers on those radio stations, whether their ads are actually aired during the Limbaugh show or not, need to be asked if they think Senator Harris is a whore. All advertisers on those stations need to be asked. The advertising companies need to be asked. The ad executives need to be asked.
At there’s a list of 87 universities that broadcast sports on 260 Limbaugh stations. They too need to be asked.
And recent research shows that 13 of the top 18 teams still playing NBA games this season broadcast sports on 32 radio stations that feature Republican/right wing/racist talk show hosts. 16 of the 32 stations headline Limbaugh.
So, while basketball players kneel for the anthem and wear jerseys declaring black lives matter and slogans calling for equality and justice, team owners continue to broadcast games on racist radio stations serving Trump and calling the first black woman VP candidate a ‘ho’ who slept her way to political success.
All advertisers and sports teams that use Republican radio stations need to be asked if it’s okay to be associated with the regular ignorance, hate, and misogyny on those stations. If not, they need to be convinced to find apolitical alternatives.
They just need to be asked. And they can all be asked at the same time if the Democratic Party and media stops ignoring talk radio and makes it so.
Americans who believe in democracy need offense. We can’t rely on GOTV and fundraising and professional athletes.
Limbaugh's demise will destroy the GOP if they don't abandon Trump - Dems need to use it