My wife and I usually watch the ABC Evening News. They’ve always seemed to do a pretty good job. But last night, Sunday the 16th, ABC News was an utter failure.
They showed the Prevaricator in Chief spouting his nonsense about voting by mail being a disaster. Right on the heels of his gibberish, two of his toadies were similarly quoted about the terrible consequences and dangers of voting by mail. I’ve repressed their names.
What you didn’t see, right then or anywhere in the program, was any fact-checking of blatant lies and misinformation about the issue. Nada. Zero.
They let the idiocy from Trump and team stand, unchallenged, uncorrected.
Did anyone else out there see this travesty?
Shame on you, ABC. Lift your level of reportage or you’re going to lose at least two viewers.