Here’s the latest news out of Texas:
From the polling results:
Among all voters, Republican John Cornyn’s vote intention is 44.4%while Democrat MJ Hegar’s vote intention is 37.4%. Libertarian Party candidate Kerry McKennon and Green Party candidate David Collins are preferred by 3.3% and 2.0% respectively, while 12.9% of voters remain unsure about their U.S. Senate vote choice.
Among the most likely voters, Cornyn’s vote intention is 46.8% and Hegar’s 40.7%, with 7.7% undecided and 3.6% and 1.3% intending to vote for McKennon and Collins respectively.
Among Anglos, Cornyn leads Hegar by more than a two to one margin, 58.2% to 25.1%, with 10.0% undecided. Among Hispanics, Hegar has the advantage over Cornyn, 42.4 % to 33.8%, with nearly one out of every five Hispanics (19.4%) still unsure about for whom to vote. Hegar enjoys a more than 10 to 1 advantage over Cornyn among African Americans, 76.3% to 7.1%, with 15.2% undecided.
As is highlighted in Table 14 below, 28.9% of respondents (31.1% of Hispanics) did not know enough about Hegar to have an opinion about her, compared to half as many (13.4%)who didn’t know enough about Cornyn. As Hegar becomes better known among Texas voters, the proportion who remain undecided should decrease, which, if present ethnic/racial voting patterns hold would benefit Hegar given the higher proportion of Hispanic and African American voters than Anglo voters who are presently unsure about who to vote for in the 2020 Texas U.S. Senate race.
In the Presidential race:
But FYI:
A lot of undecideds in this poll still showing Texas incredibly competitive and winnable. Click here for the full results.
Let’s keep up the momentum to flip Texas Blue. Click below to donate and get involved with Biden, Hegar and these Texas Democrats and organizations campaigns:
Joe Biden
Blue Texas PAC
Texas Democratic Party
Texas House Democratic Democratic Campaign Committee
Powered By People
MJ Hegar
Mike Siegel
Sima Ladjevardian
Wendy Davis
Sri Preston Kulkarni
Gina Ortiz Jones
Candace Valenzuela