MSNBC showed anecdotal evidence (no link for now) of one — dare I say it? — emerging theme of denial from Trump supporters about his failure on handling the coronavirus pandemic: it’s just a “snapshot” of Trump’s performance. He has done many great things for this nation, and like some kid with one bad test grade, you should just drop this from his overall grade.
No, I am not making this shit up.
A nice young NURSE from Minnesota used the word “snapshot” when talking about how Trump’s failure. Yes, as healthcare worker, she is “disappointed” with how Trump is dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. But it is a just a “snapshot.” She argued that he has done many other great things for America. Mind you, she didn’t say what Trump has done for America that is so great. Considering she was blonde and very white, certain images came flooding into my mind. Also, the phrase, “Minnesota is Mississippi with snow” popped into my head. God rest George Floyd.
And to reinforce this insanity, MSNBC then went to Manatee County in Florida to talk about all those kids being forced back to school during this viral pandemic. They interviewed one Mom and another couple about how they felt about their kids returning to school and Donald Trump. The Mom was not the list bit happy about placing her kids in harms way, but she didn’t go into what she felt about Trump.
However, the other couple went into politics by saying people should consider who will be the best leader for the next FOUR YEARS AND NOT DEALING WITH THIS PANDEMIC NOW. They didn’t shout that. I’m emphasizing this lovely bit of denialism.
Yes, they are a white couple. And as MSBNC pointed out, Manetee County is Republican, or so I was informed. I don’t know. I don’t live in Florida.
I loved it though. Ignore this little old pandemic that has killed over 170,000 people and tanked the economy. It doesn’t matter in the long run. What matters is the next four years.
Republican talk, again, of “Trump is great, except for killing a whole lot of Americans and ruining the economy!”
I live in a high risk group when it comes to COVID-19, as does my 91 year old Mom. I live with the fear that one or both of us will catch the coronavirus and die. Normally, I have empathy for others in the same boat. But I have none for people like “snapshot” chick and her Florida compatriots in thinking.
These are people who minimize what is going on this country for the sake of political party and cultism. The misery and death will never be real for them unless they directly suffer from it. Their willful blindness and selfishness is appalling.
Anyway, I thought you all should read about what will be one of the forms of Trumpian denialism that will be propagated as the coronavirus pandemic gets worse.