I immediately had a vision of the famous scene, where Alex is forced to watch images of violence and mayhem. I think this t v format is a wonderful, gold plated gift to democrats, it is enabling voters to see the happy positive message we have for everyone. We have solutions, plans, actual change, inclusivity, the first night was a stunning achievement, a complete success. Thank you to everyone who spoke the first night, and thank you, Michelle Obama. Contrast that with people watching the other side of the coin, the Republican side. Hate, fear, stupidity, anger, racism, misogny, white entitlement, ignorance, bigotry, arrogance, sneering condescension, bile, vitriol, etc, etc.
The lack of any physical distractions for the people who will watch this junk, will force them to actually sit and listen to the garbage being disseminated. No goofy hats to look at, no people watching, no shared vitriol to feed off of, nothing. The news this morning that the republicans are giving time to the racist, gun brandishing white couple is a great example of republicans inability to make any coherent, smart decisions. Down the rabbit hole they will go with trump, and thank goodness for that!! Welcome to the abyss.
I don't know how often Trump will speak at the convention, I am hoping he is insisting that he be the main focus. I want people to be forced to really hear him, to see just how badly he is losing his faculties. He has no plans, no message to give, republicans have nothing of value whatsoever to offer the american people, and they know it, of course. This is just my opinion, however, i think it will backfire on them, I truly do. I cannot imagine many people sitting and watching such a gross spectacle. Insecure, racist, scared people feed on negativity, with no convention to attend, no outlet for their shared delusions, their will be no smirking laughter in "owning the libs." What fun is it sitting in your own living room, with no one to see your hate? Trump's base, yes, they will gorge on the propaganda. It doesn't matter, there aren't enough of them to worry about. Anyone of note who chooses to speak at this vile shitfest will be forever chained to the horrific message the republicans are trying to sell. I can't wait to see who will be stupid enough to participate. A ship of fools, all going down to Davy Jones` locker. Please proceed.
( I apologize for making the type large and black, it is easier for me to see)
I am so looking forward to the rest of our convention, we knocked it into the stratosphere last night, I await more wonderful speeches, music, and visuals, make sure you have your tissues by your side. I know I will.