On Monday night, the Democratic convention kicked off online as we are in the middle of a uncontrolled pandemic. Former First Lady Michelle Obama made waves with the inspiring speech in which she laid out the case against Donald Trump. Many news outlets carried headlines highlighting Obama’s directed criticisms of Trump and his incoherent administration.
Unsurprisingly, Donald Trump fired back at Michelle Obama on Tuesday (and he used about a dozen women as human sexism shields). But Trump’s general attacks on the convention’s opening night itself, his general statements on how unpopular the convention was, etc., were overshadowed by his very strange criticism of the former first lady’s speech.
Cribbing from Michelle Obama’s speech when she said Trump was “in over his head,” Trump responded in his classic grade school fashion: "She was over her head.” Not exactly the right wording, but then again, Trump has a pedestrian mind in every respect. But there was more to critique: For example, Michelle Obama’s speech was pretaped. Trump figured this was a problem for some reason. “She should've made the speech live, which she didn't do, she taped it. And it was not only taped, it was taped a long time ago, because she had the wrong [coronavirus] deaths."
She. Had. The. Wrong. Deaths.
The section of Obama’s speech that Donald Trump was taking umbrage against was this:
“Four years later, the state of this nation is very different. More than 150,000 people have died, and our economy is in shambles because of a virus that this president downplayed for too long. It has left millions of people jobless.”
As of Tuesday, there are officially more than 170,000 Americans who have died since the beginning of the year from contracting COVID-19. That number is most likely underreported. So Donald Trump, who said at the end of February that the "flu, in our country, kills from 25,000 people to 69,000 people a year," and predicted the number of cases—let alone deaths—would soon be zero, and then by the end of March attempted to boast that the worst-case scenario would be 100,000 deaths, wants to highlight that Obama’s “more than 150,000” number should have been “more than 170,000” dead.
Got it.
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