Don’t see any diaries on this huge news breaking today, so here some of what we have so far:
The Senate Intelligence Committee released Tuesday the most comprehensive and meticulous examination to date explaining how Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election and the Trump campaign welcomed the foreign adversary's help, revealing new information about contacts between Russian officials and associates of President Donald Trump during and after the campaign.
Among the key findings:
- That then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort was working with Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian intelligence officer, and sought to share internal campaign information with Kilimnik. The committee says it obtained "some information suggesting Kilimnik may have been connected" to Russia's 2016 hacking operation.
- That Russian-government actors continued until at least January 2020 to spread disinformation about Russia's election interference, and that Manafort and Kilimnik both sought to promote the narrative that Ukraine, and not Russia interfered in the 2016 election.
- That Russia took advantage of the Trump transition team's inexperience and opposition to Obama administration policies "to pursue unofficial channels," and it's likely that Russian intelligence services and others acting on the Kremlin's behalf exploited the Transition's shortcomings for Russia's advantage.
This is just a tiny portion of what’s covered in the 1000 page report. There’s plenty more in there, including some juicy tidbits:
Here’s what else Twitter has to say:
Assange, Wikileaks, Stone, and of course Manafort are now definitively linked to Putin. Hacking of the DNC? Putin. All Roads Lead To Putin:
Hopefully Mark Sumner does one of his voluminous recaps. Already media reporting is trying to avoid the bombshells, focusing instead on whether Mueller did a bad job. Whether Mueller did a bad job is not the take-away from a 1000 page intelligence report on the treason committed by associates of the President of the United States (‘Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?’).
This is just the tip of the iceberg, we all know it. I for one am glad there is a prosecutor on the ticket in November.