Breaking, with updates to follow:
Postmaster general announces he is “suspending” policies that were blamed for causing mail delays
Breaking: Amid intense scrutiny, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy said that he is expanding a task force on election mail and he expects the Postal Service to deliver “election mail on time and within our well-established service standards.”
He said retail hours would not be changed, neither mail-sorting machines nor blue mailboxes would be removed, no mail-processing facilities would be closed, and that overtime would be available as needed.
DeJoy issued this statement a little while ago: Postmaster General Louis DeJoy Statement
I want to assure all Americans of the following:
- Retail hours at Post Offices will not change.
- Mail processing equipment and blue collection boxes will remain where they are.
- No mail processing facilities will be closed.
- And we reassert that overtime has, and will continue to be, approved as needed.
In addition, effective Oct. 1, we will engage standby resources in all areas of our operations, including transportation, to satisfy any unforeseen demand.
So, a few random (?) thoughts:
What is he really up to?
What made him give up (if he did)? Whatever it is we did, we need to keep it up. Since Trump, as usual, showed his hand too soon, we are now on our guard against some kind of October sabotage of the mail-in vote. But that just means we have to stay on guard.
And, for entertainment value: How long before Trump explodes?