We are mostly made of water.
We are in it and of it.
The water moves, and like gravity,
water always wins.
But for the love of others,
we are ponds,
alone in a wilderness.
Many of you have read my chronicles of end-stage kidney disease. My kidneys are officially dead. My kidney function is in the low single digits. I do 10+ hours of Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) at home every night. PD is keeping me alive and healthy enough to work full time, thus preserving my health insurance.
Mrs.ruleoflaw has been steadfastly by my side through all this. I’ve had three people step forward to volunteer as live donors for a kidney transplant. They’ve been through a lot of tests and traveled this journey with me. My employer has been gracious and understanding throughout all the missed workdays.
There’s been a lot of clinic visits, testing and waiting but now things seem to be moving into the last act. The lab results are in.
My Transplant Coordinator called me today to say that I have a matching donor. The donor is my daughter, who happens to be a Kossack, by the handle of knitolitics. We are now in the scheduling qeque at UW Hospital in Madison. It looks like the surgery will take place sometime in late September.
Some folks are quick to dismiss “thoughts and prayers”, but I really do appreciate your prayers and best wishes. A while back, a bunch of you got me a Sara R/Winglion quilt. I will have it with me at the hospital.
I have been fortunate. If I had not had a live donor volunteer on my behalf, I would have been on a waiting list for a cadaver kidney. For someone of my blood type, that wait averages about 5 years. It would be easy enough for me to say, “I got mine” and walk away but I want you to think about these two options:
1. The UW transplant program is always looking for live donors. If you are so moved, they will take one of your spare kidneys. Go here to find out more about that.
2. If you want to put your money where your thoughts and prayers are, UW Transplant will gladly accept a donation in any amount. See about it here..
If I can persuade one other person to decide on one of these options, I feel as if I’ve done something to pass on my good fortune.
I will keep you posted as things develop.