So many people have been coffee boy’d by Donald Trump, you have to seriously wonder how much caffeine a person can safely consume before bleeding out their irises.
The latest person/entity Trump is desperately trying to scramble away from like Sir Robin from the killer rabbit is the two-headed scandalmaker du jour, Steve Bannon and We Build the Wall.
As you probably heard this morning, We Build the Wall, a private initiative designed to pry mammon from morons with the promise of a splendiferous monument to white grievance and racism, was apparently a scam. And former Trump campaign chair Steve Bannon was right in the middle of it.
But to hear Trump tell it, his association with this particular (alleged) criminal campaign manager was just as fleeting as his relationship with that other (convicted) criminal campaign manager:
REPORTER: “Mr. President, what’s your reaction to the indictment of your former campaign aide Steve Bannon?”
TRUMP: “Well, I feel very badly. I haven’t been dealing with him for a long period of time, as most of the people in this room know. He was involved in our campaign, he worked for Goldman Sachs, he worked for a lot of companies, but he was involved likewise in our campaign, and for a small part of the administration very early on. I haven’t been dealing with him at all. I know nothing about the project, other than I didn’t like, when I read about it I didn’t like it. I said this is for government, this isn’t for private people, and it sounded to me like showboating and I think I let my opinion be very strongly stated at the time. I didn’t like it, it was showboating, and maybe looking for funds. But you’ll have to see what happens. I think it’s a very sad thing for Mr. Bannon, I think it’s surprising. But this was something, as you know, just by reading social media and by reading whatever it is and by speaking to Mike and Mike and all of them, I didn’t like that project, I thought that was a project that was being done for showboating reasons.”
Showboating reasons? That pretty much describes everything Trump does.
Also, bullshit.
“I don't know anything about the project at all,” Trump said Thursday, while adding that he doesn’t like what he read about it and thinks it’s “showboating” by Bannon and Kolfage, according to New York Times reporter Michael Shear.
White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany doubled down on Trump’s claims in a statement, asserting that Trump has “no involvement” in the project and “disagreed” with efforts to build the wall privately, noting that Trump has “always felt” the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers should build the wall.
But Trump and McEnany’s statements belie claims by former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, the general counsel of We Build The Wall, in January 2019 that Trump gave the project his “blessing,” as well as Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr.’s public praise of the project as a “pretty amazing” effort for an “important grassroots issue” at a 2018 fundraiser, according to video unearthed by CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski.
Oh, you mean there’s actually video of Dumber Donald praising the project?
Yes. Yes, there is.
“Showing really what capitalism is all about.”
Yup, grifting. To be fair, that probably is what Junior thinks “capitalism is all about,” because, like most things, he doesn’t really understand capitalism.
Then again, Donald Trump Jr. has been Trump’s son for a very short time and had a very minor role in the campaign. It’s sad, and we wish him well.
“This guy is a natural. Sometimes I laugh so hard I cry." — Bette Midler on author Aldous J. Pennyfarthing, via Twitter. What made Bette break up? This: Dear F*cking Lunatic: 101 Obscenely Rude Letters to Donald Trump and its sequels Dear Pr*sident A**clown and Dear F*cking Moron. And you can now preorder Goodbye, Asshat, AJP’s not-so-fond farewell to fascism!