Miles Taylor is keeping his word about continuing to put out information on what he saw in the White House, and give insightful, accurate and sometimes scary insights about Donald Trump.
This video interview is filled with quotes that would shock and surprise us if they’d been said about any other president. Of course Trump is neither a normal president nor a normal human being, but still there are a lot of unexpected “zinger” quotes here.
Like Miles commenting on Trump’s comments on Q-anon, a group which are so completely out of alignment with truth:
This president isn’t interested in truth. He’s interested in “his truth.”
Not unexpected, but what a clear and concise message!
For me it got really interesting at about the 5 minute mark, when he went on to discuss one of his concerns, (shared by Michael Cohen), about what could happen once Trump (God willing!) loses the upcoming election:
In 2016, we were concerned of course about the Russians meddling.
I think this time around the bigger concern is the president himself falling victim to foreign meddling, and the discord that will create in our country…
The departments and agencies within the federal government have done extraordinary work to prepare for this election…
These are folks who put in place an extraordinary system to fight back against foreign interference. The one thing they can’t prepare for is that the president himself might fall victim to those conspiracy theories, those lies and that misinformation, and in that circumstance it’s tough to say what our federal government will do, and I think we’re unprepared for that outcome...
I had been concerned about all the things that Putin might tell this dimwit. We know he tends to believe Putin over his own intelligence officials, or at least he always acts as though he does. I don’t know what Putin might tell him, but odds are he’ll believe it, because, as Miles pointed out above, he’s not interested in the real truth, he’s interested in “his truth.”
Next the interviewers asked Miles to comment on a quote by Barack Obama:
This Administration has shown it will tear down our democracy if that’s what it takes to win.
Miles responded that he thinks Barack Obama is right:
Donald Trump will fight, viciously and vigorously, to make sure that he doesn’t lose this election. But I don’t just mean up and until November 3rd, I mean after November 3rd.
My worry is that Bush vs. Gore in the 2000’s will look like child’s play compared to what this president might do if he feels like he’s got a shot at de-legitimizing the election.
We are now in a moment where there is a predictable level of civil unrest in our country that we’ve not yet seen. We experienced a summer of civil unrest, but now, because of the President’s actions, we may well experience a fall and winter of civil unrest like we’ve never seen, if he doesn’t show more responsibility in how he talks about the election, about how he talks about our democratic process.
So I don’t think it’s unreasonable at all for President Obama to say that there’s a concern about the fabric of our republic:
Donald Trump is taking the scissors to the fabric of our republic, and he’s cutting it in little shreds.
The interviewer then followed up with: “What do you fear that he might do?”
I fear that the president is preparing to heavily litigate in every state where he has the opportunity…
We remember in 2000, this was largely Florida…
Even just contesting Florida threw the nation into chaos.
Miles discusses how he’s only been telling the truth about his time in the white house for maybe 48 hours, and has already received “vicious, graphic death threats.”
People are scared (to speak out) because the President doesn’t tamp it down. He fans the flames of this divisiveness, he makes people fear for their lives.
This is the USA, this is not Belarus, this is not a country that should be in civil unrest and turmoil, but the president has turned it into one, and that’s again why we’ve got to look forward.
That’s why I came out and decided I’ve got to support Joe Biden.
There’s more to this that I’m skipping; I really recommend you watch the full video, but I wanted to end with this quote:
When disaster strikes, whatever kind of disaster it is, we get a two for one deal with Donald Trump. What do I mean by that? Whether it’s a hurricane, whether it’s nationwide civil unrest, or whether it’s a contested election, when there’s a disaster, we not only have the American people worried about that immediate danger and threat of the incident, we also have them worried about the president, himself.
Trump’s incompetence and stupidity, triggered by any disaster, pose a substantial additional danger to America, and to each of us individually. Covid-19 has certainly proven that for us.
So now we have two reputable insiders, giving us a warning about what Trump might do when he loses. Both of these people felt concerned enough about what they knew that they’ve put themselves at considerable personal risk in order to give us a warning about what could happen. The message from Michael Cohen was already eye-opening, but now we have what amounts to two whistleblowers giving us the same warning message. We also have the publicly stated opinions of President Obama, as well as our nominee, Joe Biden, all expressing basically the same concerns.
Let’s do all we can to make this election a landslide rejection of the Trumpistan version of America that we’re all sick of. The more decisive the election results are, the harder it will be for Trump to contest them convincingly. (Except among his mindless followers, alas.)
But let’s also buckle up, and be ready for what could be a very bumpy ride ahead. Maybe we should be prepared to launch super-rallies, to keep a strong popular pressure to back up the election results. Maybe some of you have other ideas about how we can best be prepared for this. Maybe it won’t happen, but thanks to this clear double warning from these two insiders, there’s no need for something of this magnitude catch us unprepared.