…...and we all know who watches FOX
These reviews are from the network Trump watches ALL DAY:
Joe did so well, not even Trump’s flunkies thought they could credibly diss him.
And who set those “expectations” ???
For months, President Donald Trump and his campaign have been systematically lowering expectations for Joe Biden by painting him as a senile old man who can’t string two sentence together. So when he performed far better than anticipated at the Democratic National Convention Thursday night, even the ultra-conservative hosts on Fox News seemed surprised.
Brit Hume said, “It was a very good speech, I thought, delivered with force and clarity by him.”
So? Who cares what THEY think, right?
Tens of millions of Republican VOTERS, that’s who.
This could have been the moment where they all shut the door on a Joe Biden presidency.
This could have been the moment they all banded together and shot him down, outright.
But they did the exact opposite.
'I think if he looks back, he could say that's probably the best speech of his life'
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden "hit a home run in the bottom of the ninth" with his speech to the virtual Democratic National Convention in Wilmington, Del., on Thursday evening, according to "The Daily Briefing" host Dana Perino.
"He had pace, rhythm, energy, emotion, and delivery," the former White House press secretary remarked. "I think if he looks back, he could say that's probably the best speech of his life.
"He just took the moment."
"Remember, Donald Trump has been talking for months about Joe Biden as [being] mentally shot, a captive of the left," Wallace said during Fox News special coverage of the Democratic National Convention. "And yes, Biden was reading from the teleprompter and a prepared speech, but I thought that he blew a hole, a big hole, in that characterization."
"It seems to me that after tonight, Donald Trump will have to run against a candidate, not a caricature," Wallace added.
After Biden finished his remarks, in which he promised to restore the "soul of America" and deliver the nation from "darkness," Fox News chief political anchor Bret Baier praised Biden as "the best he's been" during the topsy-turvy campaign.
"He's not known for his public speaking, but this -- after seeing him speak on the stump many, many times -- was the best he's been as far as his delivery," Baier said.
WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Joe Biden accepted the Democratic presidential nomination Thursday night with a vow to be a unifying “ally of the light” who would move an America in crisis past the chaos of President Donald Trump’s tenure.
In his strongest remarks of the campaign, Biden spoke both of returning the United States to its traditional leadership role in the world and of the deeply personal challenges that shaped his life. Virtually every sentence of his 22-minute speech was designed to present a sharp, yet hopeful, contrast with the Republican incumbent.
“Here and now I give you my word: If you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us not the worst. l’ll be an ally of the light, not the darkness,” Biden said. “Make no mistake, united we can and will overcome this season of darkness in America.”
And from Joe’s home state:
'We're here to celebrate:' Excitement high at drive-in viewing of Biden speech at Frawley Stadium
Isabel HughesEsteban Parra
Delaware News Journal
Standing by the passenger side of their car in Frawley Stadium's parking lot, Jim and Susanne Hussey bobbed their heads to John Mellencamp's "R.O.C.K. In The U.S.A.," waving hand-held American flags above their heads.
Laughing, the couple swayed jovially from side to side, their excitement growing as the music boomed loudly from a screen at the front of the parking lot.
"Everybody's excited, but this is especially exciting for me because I've known Joe since he first ran (for Senate) in 1972," said Jim Hussey, vice chair of the Delaware Democratic Party and a state delegate.
"I hope he becomes president."
Joining the Husseys outside the Chase Center Thursday night were several hundred others — delegates, elected officials and other Delaware dignitaries — all of whom had been invited to a drive-in viewing of former Vice President Joe Biden's speech.
What? No, I’m not crying. A bug flew in my eye.
Here’s to seeing clearly in 2020!!!