It’s been reported that Trump does not want any votes cast until after the debates. I assume he thinks he will be able to bully or rattle Joe into a misstatement or a confused senior moment. This from the Commander and Chief of ‘blooper reels’. Yo, Semite!
Tom Friedman suggested that Joe refuse to debate Trump until he releases his income taxes. That will never happen. As Covid has altered the Democratic convention, so should it change the debates.
Trump cannot be trusted to be in the same room with Joe. We know he will be maskless and will not conform to any established rules, if he thinks it will put him at a disadvantage. The Biden campaign should refuse to debate Trump because he is a pathological liar and unworthy of the opportunity.
As an alternative, the press could submit questions to be answered remotely or in writing. Trump does not deserve any semblance of normality. We are living too dangerously.