The crew set up a distraction for Andy last week, attempting to mend his torn heart over Kamala’s decision to join Biden’s team. The question of the National Convention arose. Enthusiasm peaked. Staff and volunteers began coming out of quarantine to plan for the upcoming event.
But, where to hold the festivities?
The biggest crowds ever … could have been here.
Andy visited Lake Placid, NY, as a perspective site. The Olympic village had already been booked for a Curling tournament, so Andy shopped other venues. There was a nice older lady that offered her farm (and pond) for delegates. She warned of one obstacle which Andy encountered during a relaxing swim. Another site was sought.
Ginger was invited by the Normal, Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce to consider their area. During a ride through the country, the weather decided Ginger’s choice. A gracious “No Thank You” email was sent.
EEEEEEEEEEk! I’ll never get this debris out of my fur.
Major cities were visited. In each case, there seemed to be issues with security and animal control.
New York Hollywood Los Angeles
So, the campaign team decided to follow the example of the Democratic Party and hold virtual rallies. Here is a sign located in Botoxin, Nevada on old route 66, (outside of Las Vegas) announcing the event.
A large gathering in Whatchaknow, Kentucky received the news and responded to the ads for campaign “bling” offered during the on line “Big Screen” presentation.
A special thanks to delegates Mouse, Bear and Peng for modelling the hats.
A special “rig” traveled the highways delivering the “mews” of the events to rural areas. Drivers, Agnes and Herbert Squat (offering their time and equipment) , arrived in Why Not, N.C. to set up.
Finally, a demonstration debate was held in NotTexas, Rhode Island to gauge the public’s response. A small group of participants were selected for the event. There were a few glitches, but after a favorable review, the show will debut from Earnest, Illinois (dated to be announced).
As excitement mounts, the stage is set for the public to hear from the candidates. The “Fur and Feathered Frenzy” begins. In November, let’s take the White House by storm.
But, let’s take a moment to relax.