June 13th
Welcome to another Saturday night of music, memories, and conversations. June 13th. That was the date of our last “drinking songs” diary. We had a pretty good time (if I recall) but my memory seems to be a bit clouded. I do remember I used a couple of country songs to highlight drinking — they’re so spot on. I have it on good authority (h/t Al Dorado) that there might be another diary worth of drinking songs left in us.
So... This week we’re going to change it up just a little and pair it with songs about partying. After all, drinking and partying kind of go together, right?
First Song Choice — Get This Party Started
Second Song Choice — One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
So, there you go. It’s your drinking and partying jukebox tonight. Put your quarter in the slot and your song in the comments.
Let’s Party!