I don’t usually blog, but I have the lovely pleasure of speaking with people all across the country with my job. (Work at home, setting up service for a big company).
Two things really stuck out in my mind today, solidified by others, the biggest —
1 — I spoke with someone who I would call a “Trump supporter” — She actually had points of how he’d — well his administration-- made her life better (And I agree with her), but she wasn’t against me, didn’t call me names, degrade me when I said I was a Dem. Our conversation was humane, etc, she only had one tiny issue against Dems (And it was Kamala Harris to be specific), and it was abortion. (Couldn’t really argue that at work being paid, so thus let it go). BUT! Here’s the point, everything else? Trump’s tweets? His actions, his words, his manipulation, his racism? His xenophobia? Didn’t work for her, but she wasn’t ready to vote dem. she actually said, “I wish he’d just shut up!” — Couldn’t have agreed with her more.
2— Gun friendly guy, we chatted a bit about guns/firearms, what we like, and restrictions. Again, voted for Trump, doesn’t like his rhetoric, his works, his tweets, and racism, but one issue stuck with him, “Dems will take away my guns”. — we’re talking responsible gun owners like me. I own quite a few, they hang out in my bedroom with pink wallpaper at my parent's house. Just call it a collection. I get ban, he got ban on assault/unnecessary weapons, good on background checks, what they fear is you’re going to take what they already have. Something that was recreational to me as a child and to him, has become so expensive it’s nearly impossible.
Can I see their points? Can I see how Trump is kinda winning them to his side? Yes. it’s not as clear cut as it is here. Gun violence, I am against. Assault weapons? Against. So were both of these people I spoke to. however they fear it’s a slippery slope, and I do agree with them.
I have a carry permit only because I had to move a firearm that my brother used to shoot himself out of Oregon to Idaho. (Trust me, I wanted to bury that thing in the desert).
While I don’t like how fox news, and Trump himself calls everything else “fake news”. He is our current president, (And as both of these individuals said, he is our president, there is a constitution, and it should be respected) — I actually agree, but did not dive into the argument of how he’s destroying it. (Though the slow down in mail happened to come up from both of them, they be unhappy).
Fake News: It’s hard to get around that, some people do not have all the resources we do, the ability to fact check, know history etc. If the President is calling, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN constantly fake news — would you trust them if it was Biden saying it? (fact check yourself there).
As a conclusion though? Rep con coming up — yeah, I’m going to be one watching it, (Technical/video producer/editor me) is going to compare and contrast to the DNC option — VERY WELL FUCKING DONE! And in this, because I do that nasty thing and watch Trump’s speeches (If you can call them that) — He can’t call people by their proper name, (Sleep joe biden, Pocahantas, etc) That should be former vice president Joe Biden, and SENATOR Elizabeth Warren. Can’t even say Kamala Harris — or as she should be addressed SENATOR HARRIS!
This was pointed out by both of the people I spoke with today. (They watched the DNC convention, and were moved) Just not enough to sway their vote.
So we’ve got a lot of work — hard to sway a hard core “Trump voter”, but you have to admit, for some, he as done some good. (well he takes credit for it). this is all outside of his xenaphobic, racist, divisive speak. Just understand, some people are better under his administration (Not just the top 1% — oh there were raves there from both of them).