“If you want to live like a Republican, you’ve got to vote for a Democrat.”
— Harry S. Truman
From the Michael Tomasky of the NY Times:
"Bill Clinton came in and presided over - yes, Ronald Reagan fans - the most economically successful eight years in the last half century. The Clinton recovery started, it's worth noting, with a budget bill in his first year that received not a single Republican vote in Congress....He left office having created 22 million jobs and reduced the budget deficit, as he liked to put it, from 11 zeros to simply zero. (In fact, he left a budget surplus.)
Seven years later, in 2008, George W. Bush came razor-close to overseeing a collapse of the global economy. Much of it was his fault, or his administration's. The most notable misstep was a lack of regulation of the banking sector. In 2008, the economy lost around 2.5 million jobs, an average of around 215,000 a month for the entire year.
The country went from losing 700,000 jobs a month when Mr. Obama took office to gaining, over his second term, an average of about 199,000 jobs a month.
Trump's economy - enhanced by massive deficit spending, which somehow ceased to bother Republicans - was chugging along before the pandemic, creating around 6.6 million jobs, or about 175,000 a month (still lower than Mr. Obama's second term average). And since the coronavirus crisis, according to the St. Louis Fed, the economy has lost nearly 13 million jobs, leaving Mr. Trump, for now, more than six million jobs in the red."
Unemployment declined during the Clinton years from 7% to 4%.
The unemployment rate during the Obama-Biden Administration was reduced from 10% to 4.6%.
Since Trump has been POTUS, unemployment has increased from 4.6% to 10.2%, 5.4 million Americans have lost insurance and the annual deficit has increased from $585 billion to $3.7 trillion. Trump has added $6 trillion to the national debt in less than four years.
Democrats need to remind Americans again and again that Democrats are better for the economy than Republicans.