Donald Trump must always ask himself ‘What would Putin do?’ Trump is green with envy after watching Putin boast about having a COVID-19 vaccine. This after Putin ordered Russian vaccine developers to skip the step of conducting Phase Three vaccine trials. Despite the whole rest of the world following the precautionary standard protocol of conducting Phase Three vaccine trials, with thousands of participants, over a period of months.
Trump would rather have ANY vaccine immediately (for selfish political reasons), instead of insuring the vaccine is both safe and effective for all the diverse demographic, and ethnic and racial groups, who will receive the vaccine.
But Trump, like Putin views the citizenry as expendable guinea pigs. Trump has a pattern of endangering Americans by following his gut, instead of following the recommendations of experts, with disastrous results for the nation.
Prudence is like Kryptonite to Trump.
Everywhere he looks paranoid Trump sees shadowy figures who are out to get him, willing to endanger Americans by withholding a vaccine (who in fact are public servants dedicated to protecting Americans).