There’s been a fair amount of confusion and controversy about Mail-In Voting, mainly because Trump and his sycophants, like Postmaster DeJoy, are intentionally spreading that confusion, as well as implementing policies designed to sabotage a system that worked much better before DeJoy was put in charge.
This new public service announcement is designed to clear up all that confusion with a healthy dose of complete honesty about what’s really going on, and how to vote safely even in the midst of this pandemic. In my opinion, unlike most PSA’s, this one is even a real joy to watch!
This fun video is from a small but dedicated team of videographers who call themselves The Juice Media. If you enjoy this one, you might also enjoy checking out their youtube channel, which includes some other videos like “Trump 2020”, these two on the coronavirus, and many more. While they’re based “Down Under” in Australia, and most of their videos are focused on Australian or international issues, the announcement that came out to their patrons with this video points out:
There's 71 days left to the US election. An election that will shape this century and the lives of all those walking this planet for decades to come. Which is why I'm taking a temporary detour from our usual coverage of the Australien Government's shitfuckery to focus on America's.
Thank you to all the Aussies (and other nationalities) supporting these HGAs: I see this as a joint international aid effort of sorts :)
In this HGA I wanted to focus on the bullshit that's been happening around the US Postal Service, which threatens this essential voting mechanism precisely at a time when people are going to need it most: in the middle of a pandemic, which makes voting in person risky.
This HGA isn't intended to tell Americans who to vote for. That's their choice to make. Rather, it urges folks to make sure their vote is counted, by registering and requesting their mail-in ballots early. Because low voter turn-out is the biggest threat to a fair election. So if you know US voters, please direct them to
On behalf of “all those walking this planet for decades to come,” who are hoping for the best with this election which only American citizens can participate in, I hope you’ll help spread this fun and helpful message. As an expat living abroad, I can relate to their desire to assist in whatever ways they can to remotely help America get through a fair and honest election.
I also appreciate the tireless efforts of the Juice Media team, which had to re-do much of this video when DeJoy made his announcement pretending to roll back the sabotage efforts, and as other developments have happened. It’s not easy to stay relevant in the midst of a controversial political landscape that’s been changing as rapidly as this one has. Speaking as one of the patrons supporting their team, I’m happy with my small investment in their efforts.