In the latest completely non-shocking news about Donald J. Trump, alleged rapist, tax-dodger, and narcissistic sociopath, we learn that another member of Trump's own family considers him to be a lying, principle-devoid, "cruel" and generally irredeemable garbage fire of a person. The Washington Post obtained private audio recordings of Trump's older sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, from Trump niece Mary Trump. In them, Barry commiserates with Mary on the wreck that is Donald.
Suffice it to say Barry, a now-retired federal judge, clearly has Donald's number.
From the Post's recordings: “All he wants to do is appeal to his base. He has no principles. None. None. And his base, I mean my God, if you were a religious person, you want to help people. Not do this.”
Yup, sounds about right.
“His goddamned tweet and lying, oh my God. I’m talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy shit.”
Holy shit is, I suspect, the first words out of every Trump aide's mouths upon waking up each morning.
“It’s the phoniness of it all. It’s the phoniness and this cruelty. Donald is cruel.”
Mind you, literally any human being with a working sense of empathy and a television set has been able to peg Donald as all-of-the-above within the first few interviews. But it's still probably useful to know that someone who grew up with him, to whatever extent anyone in that dysfunctional pit of a family "grew up," can verify that there really is nothing more to Donald than meets the eye. There are no redeeming qualities hidden away behind the scenes; he is not simply misunderstood, due to his own blustering public behaviors.
Nope, he's just garbage. Nothing there but lying, cruelty, and spite.
Barry also repeated the longstanding rumor that Trump "had somebody take" his SATs or other college exams, though it doesn't sound like she has any particular proof of it. But "I did his homework for him," she says—so if you're feeling any sense of sympathy for Barry in having to deal with Donald for nearly a lifetime, don't. Know that she was one of the enablers who allowed the idiot failson to infect America with his presence despite no provable skills or intelligence whatsoever.
What she could have done, at any point during the Trump campaign or presidency, is speak out against him publicly in the manner that the families of other particularly contemptuous Republicans have done when push came to shove. She could have let the nation know that the omnipresent televised twit was very far from presidential material. And no matter what Trump's done to break the rule of law—and Barry sounds like she is keenly aware of that part, too, of Trump's legacy—she has continued to remain silent.
So again: Maybe this is useful information, of a sort. Might have been helpful to hear it at any point when it could have done any good. Instead, we are in the same familiar place: Everyone who has ever dealt with Trump, with the exception of anyone who is relying on him for their next paycheck, considers him to be a corrupt, cheating liar with no morals or decency, possibly delusional, and absolutely as dumb as a post.