You see an issue with the logic — please speak up.
They have a weapon I suppose — put goons at the polling sites But we have a better weapon — cell cameras and the internet. Two key advantages —
Firstly — say it happens — we can get their mugs on the internet in a heartbeat — good luck finding another job you assholes. The internet is forever — they may need to be reminded of this. I do not think their employers or prospective employers will think highly of such activities from their employees.
Better than this — I want to know just who are the sons of a bitches behind tormenting our minorities — again — the internet is forever.
The worst/best thing that may happen is they try to destroy the cell phone of a user — two problems for them — more than one person probably filmed it — and they would have done an assault which will end with their ass in jail.
I would agree that there will have to be some kind of centralized collection point to post these images. Not a problem — the LP et al and our liberal PACS are all in line here. They all really work together now.
It is sure not like the traitor ever thinks anything thru — he can’t.
But is their an error in the logic? I think it is very Clausewitz like — what I think he would do.