Under pointed questioning from Rep. Steven Lynch, a Massachusetts Democrat, Postmaster Louis DeJoy repeatedly admitted that he will not restore the hundreds of high-speed sorting machines he's ordered removed and dismantled around the country. "What the heck are you doing?" an angry Lynch asked.
DeJoy hemmed and hawed about agreeing with Lynch's previous remarks about the "heroic efforts of our 650,000 employees," and their "250 year history of serving the American public," and an impatient Lynch interjected: "Will you put the machines back?" DeJoy ignored the question and continued with his lauding of the post office and his pride at being there. A frustrated Lynch interrupts and interjects again: "Will you put the high-speed machines back?" A combative DeJoy finally answers: "No, I will not."
Then a Republican member jumps in to try to cover that up, complaining Lynch has gone over time and creating cross-talk and confusion. Chair Carolyn Maloney interjected: "The gentleman may answer the question without being interrupted. The question is will you put the machines back?" DeJoy responds that "the answer is no." Then he reiterated his theme from Friday's Senate hearing, which was that he's just making the trucks run on time, probably unintentionally evoking Benito Mussolini's proverbial timely trains.
Lynch: My last question is this, what the heck are you doing? What the heck are you doing? That's my question.
DeJoy First of all, I'd like to agree with you on the heroic efforts of our 650,000 employees across the nation and the history of the postal service, for their 250-year history of serving the American public [...]
Lynch: Will you put the machines back?
DeJoy: I'm very proud to leave the lead the organization. The rest of your accusations […]
Lynch: Will you put the high-speed machines back?
DeJoy: No, I will not.
Lynch: You will not.
DeJoy: No, I will not.
Lynch Well, there you go. [Republican complaints, crosstalk]
Maloney: The gentleman may answer the question without being interrupted. The question is, will you put the machines back?
DeJoy: The answer is no and every accusation you made other than adhering to the truck scheduled is inaccurate and more misinformation for the American public.