When we last left the ongoing soap opera of Jerry Falwell, Jr., back on August 7, he had just taken “an indefinite leave of absence from his roles as President and Chancellor of Liberty University, to which he has agreed, effective immediately.” The immediate trigger for that “indefinite leave of absence” was, apparently, this story (Audio: Jerry Falwell, Jr. Explains the “Viral” Photo – “She’s pregnant, so she couldn’t get her pants up…I couldn’t get mine zipped either” and Trump BFF Jerry Falwell, Jr. Strikes Again – No “Pool Boy” This Time…Just “Unzipped Drunken Debauchery”), but note that Falwell has engaged in erratic and reckless behavior for years. For instance, see:
So now, Falwell apparently has time to ponder things, and also to tell his side of the story. That includes his comments in this morning’s far-right Washington Examiner, regarding what Falwell called a “‘fatal attraction’ type situation” involving “an ambitious young man who was working at our hotel and was saving up his money to go to school” – aka, the “pool boy,” Giancarlo Granda. According to Falwell, his wife “Becki had an inappropriate personal relationship with this person, something in which I was not involved — it was nonetheless very upsetting to learn about.” So just to emphasize: Jerry Falwell stated that he was “not involved” in the “inappropriate personal relationship” with the “pool boy” – that was between Jerry’s wife Becki and the “pool boy.” Except…
The only problem with that story is that the “pool boy,” Giancarlo Granda, totally contradicts it in this exclusive/breaking Reuters story. Check it out:
- “In a claim likely to intensify the controversy surrounding one of the most influential figures in the American Christian conservative movement, a business partner of Jerry Falwell Jr has come forward to say he had a years-long sexual relationship involving Falwell’s wife and the evangelical leader.”
- “Granda told Reuters that the relationship involved him having sex with Becki Falwell while Jerry Falwell looked on.”
- “Falwell’s statement Sunday to the Examiner said nothing about Granda’s account alleging that the evangelical leader had his own role in the affair, and Falwell didn’t address questions from Reuters about it.”
So who do you believe, Jerry Falwell or Giancarlo Granda, aka the “pool boy?” I mean, I don’t know about you, but if it’s a choice between those two, I’m going with the “pool boy” every time! LOL