The video tape show it all . The 17 year old Trump loyalist comes to a protest armed with a killing machine, ready to do damage. The shooter gives interviews before the killings , making sure the interviewer knows his name “by the way my name is Kyle”.
Subsequently Kyle is on video blowing one protester arm off the shooting more rounds that killed two others. Kyle then walks towards the police with his hands up surrendering , he was waved on by police and told to “get out of here”.
This is where we are with White Privilege , the color of skin determines how police react to people. Outrage is understandable!
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020 · 9:09:11 PM +00:00 · Undazed Unamazed
The Unwritten Platform: A vote cast for Trump is a vote to continue Police violence against Blacks.
There is no secret plan it’s obvious, Trump and his base are choosing continued police violence against Blacks as a “Platform” position. Instead of writing it down for history to judge they are just spouting it out. “Our Cities are under siege “ they cry , never once mentioning the earth shattering events that touched off the outrage across the country.
Hammering the Law and Order theme while upholding and Police as the saviors of the Republic. The truth is anti- black bias is so beset in the police culture killing unarmed blacks has become a badge of honor for cops and is celebrated in private conversations within the Police unions and clandestine clubs and organizations.
These fact are undisputed verifiable facts, and Trumps fiery rhetoric has fanned the flames for the last 3 years which is now bearing fruit of Vigilante Militia just like he called for “My Second Amendment People” as he says.
This is not a desperate move by a losing candidate this has been his plan from the day he rode down that elevator.
A Vote for Trump is a vote for BLACK LIVES DON’T MATTER.