Do you recognize any of these?
Gloom and Doom
FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Despair)
Biden’s gonna LOSE!!!
Democrats won’t Fight
You’re not taking Trump seriously enough
If there’s a civil war, we’re not going to be ready
We can’t win unless we cheat FIRST!
It would be hard not to, even if all you’ve done in the last month is spot the titles and skip the diaries. They’ve been ubiquitous, as one user after another succumbs to the realization that Utopia is not a given; that Things Can Go Wrong; and that they’ve never really believed in Voting as a tool for change.
That’s beside the trolls and doomsayers who are here to try to get you to give up and not vote; it can be really hard, sometimes, to tell the difference between a fearful Democrat and a paid Russian or Trumpian troll.
Whoever they are, real or fake, true Chicken Little or pretend Right-Winger or incorrigible (enter the name of your One True Candidate), I’m tired of it. I’ve been tired of it since these started up the day after Biden got an endorsement from Jim Clyburn in March, and proceeded to turn all our expectations about the Primary Election upside down.
What I’m tiredest of right now is the rate of increase in this type of diary since Joe Biden got the nomination last week.
And, since I’m not about to declare that all subsequent diaries with this theme are from trolls, Russians, and RWTPers, I have one thing to say to all of you who aren’t, and are still determined to get in your two cents about how we’re really in trouble now —
Suck it up, buttercup!
And start thinking about solutions, rather than bemoaning the fact that there are — gasp! — problems.