Yes, it’s far too early to assess the benefit (or damage) that the Republican Convention and, more specifically, the acceptance speech of one particular small digited-insane-clown-posse has done to his campaign, especially since there are no polls out yet that include his endlessly long, hateful, hackneyed underwhelmingness at his WH Covid Superspreader event last night.
However, the two polls that came out today do, in one case, at least include the first 3 days of the Repub Alt Reality Convention (Dornslife Poll) while the last day of data collection for the Navigator poll was Aug 24. Here’s a quick snapshot as to what people are thinking this week (from Political Wire)
August 28, 2020 at 8:04 am EDT By Taegan Goddard
This corresponds with a .8% uptick for Biden over at Geek Central (, where the spread is back up to 9% (for Biden).