It’s another Sunday, so for those who tune in, welcome to a diary discussing the Nuts & Bolts of a Democratic campaign. If you’ve missed out, you can catch up any time: Just visit our group or follow the Nuts & Bolts Guide. For years I’ve built this guide around questions that get submitted, hoping to help small candidates field questions. I’ve been grateful to so many campaign managers, field directors, communication directors, and volunteers for sharing their experience, which has continued to be a big part of the story presented every week in this series.
This week, I get to take time to talk about one of my favorite parts of my job here at Daily Kos, and that is how we connect candidates with our community. If you’re running for any political office in America, you know that part of your job is communicating with voters and potential volunteers and motivating them to be on your side in an upcoming election. If you’re reading this, you also know that Daily Kos is a source for millions of progressive voters nationally—and you want to reach out to them. You may be seeking financial support in your campaign, volunteers, or just feedback. Some future candidates look to fine-tune their message years in advance. This week, we get to talk about how to make Daily Kos effective for your campaign.
Yes, we have rules of the road
Before a candidate or organization begins posting here, I always recommend they take time to read through the Rules of the Road. This is a simple, carefully considered guide on the basic rules of Daily Kos. I also point people to this diary I wrote five years ago regarding how to write successfully for Daily Kos. Much of the advice from five years ago is still true today. If you keep in mind the rules, and the way you can attract an audience and hold an audience here on Daily Kos, you can begin to reach potential voters, volunteers, and donors for your campaign.
Getting endorsed by Daily Kos isn’t the only reason to be here
Make no mistake about it, the Daily Kos endorsement of your campaign is a significant moment for a campaign. It can immediately help your fundraising, attract attention, and bring in resources you need. The question I get asked most frequently by candidates every week is: “How do I get endorsed by Daily Kos?” The method for the Daily Kos endorsement policy is here.
The next question I get asked is: “If I’m not going to get endorsed, or if I’m in a race unlikely to get the endorsement or outreach of Daily Kos because of the kind of race it is, is there a reason for me to participate in the website?” The answer is absolutely. Candidates around the country for many offices, county offices, district attorneys, statehouses, and state senates have all connected with their audience through Daily Kos, raised funds, and helped fine-tune their message here. I talk to candidates every single week—on some days multiple campaigns—and I tell all of them the same thing: If you find just a few donors for your campaign through a diary on Daily Kos, they are donors you would have missed out on otherwise. Why not take this opportunity to connect to a huge audience that is committed to supporting Democratic candidates everywhere in the country?
More than just candidates
Over the last few years, I and others have worked on how to make Daily Kos a great place for other organizations to come and speak to our community. Organizations have different needs. County organizations, state organizations, and national organizations all want to have their stories told in their voice, by them, rather than an interpretation. Imagine connecting your effort in a state to efforts around the country to share information about what’s working and not working in your home state, or issues of growing concern. This is the heart of Daily Kos community: connecting your community with others around the country.
Every single community member who writes a diary on Daily Kos tells a story of themselves and their communities. When you post a diary about the environment or renewable energy, you are including yourself in that community and helping it grow. When you post a story about your beliefs on civil rights, you can connect with other community members with the opportunity to learn and expand on their work. You would be surprised to know how easy it is to connect with others who feel as you do through the internet and find strength in that unity.
Ready to move forward?
If your organization or candidate is thinking about becoming a community member, they can always reach out to the Daily Kos Helpdesk—or to me directly—and we can start helping your organization or candidate become an active voice in our community.
As always, I try to answer questions in the comments!