Photo Failures
My kids visited today and brought their two young cats. We hadn’t seen the cats for months due to the quarantine. It was a wonderful visit and I took lots of cute photos. I have been using a work-around to post photos; e-mailing them to myself. As of today that doesn’t seem to be working. I tried every possible variation; no go. When I send the e-mail with attachment it never says “e-mail sent.”
Because of something something I am using a strong pain medicine. It’s possible that I’m just confused. I’ll keep trying things till it’s time to publish, but failing that, y’all are on your own. I know you can do it.
Kitchen Table Kibitzing is a community series for those who wish to share a virtual kitchen table with other readers of Daily Kos who aren’t throwing pies at one another. Drop by to talk about music, your weather, your garden, or what you cooked for supper…. Newcomers may notice that many who post in this series already know one another to some degree, but we welcome guests at our kitchen table and hope to make some new friends as well. |