Yes, that’s the same Herman Cain who literally died of COVID-19.
In a now-deleted tweet, Herman Cain (or, rather, Herman Cain’s Twitter account) claimed that the fake news media has been overhyping the coronavirus.
Because this is 2020, and absolutely nothing is too horrifying or stupid for 2020.
“It looks like the virus is not as deadly as the mainstream media first made it out to be.”
Good to know!
As the old saying goes, “Do as I say, not as I decompose.”
Too soon?
Well, apparently not for the stewards of Herman Cain’s Twitter account!
As we all know, Donald Trump essentially (er, allegedly) killed Herman Cain with his June Tulsa super-spreader rally. Cain was infamously pictured eschewing social distancing and mask-wearing.
He also tweeted this before Trump’s super-patriotic super-spreader July 4 lollapalooza at Mount Rushmore: “Masks will not be mandatory for the event, which will be attended by President Trump. PEOPLE ARE FED UP!”
Thank God the boot of tyranny is off Herman Cain’s neck. And thank God Herman Cain’s followers are honoring and continuing Herman Cain’s courageous Herman Cain-killing work. Herman Cain would be so pleased.
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