On Monday, Fox News aired an interview between one of their in-house racists, Laura Ingraham, and the white supremacist in chief Donald Trump. The interview ranged from ramble to rambled all over the place, and like every other responsibility in Trump’s life, his inability to accomplish the simple task before him meant somebody else ended up being tasked with making Donald look somewhat coherent. Fox News’ chyron writer did the talking point work Trump was unable to succeed at.
At about the 14-minute mark, Trump explains that a Joe Biden presidency won’t save white people from all of those white and Black and Brown people in the streets demanding racial equality, telling Ingraham that “Biden won’t calm things down. They will take over.” Who “they” are it is hard to say—Black people would be the top guess, but maybe it’s more than simply Black people … maybe it’s Marxism?
TRUMP: He’s a weak person. He’s controlled like a puppet. It’s not going to calm things down. It’s going to be, they will have won. They will have taken over your cities. It’s a revolution, you understand that.
Well, there’s some kind of revolution on his mind. This is literally what every dictator has said in every society, in the months before turning his country into a authoritarian state. Trump goes on to say that every time he tweets “Law & Order” he gets a great response that proves the majority of Americans love his brand of fascism. Trump then remembers, someone somewhere, at sometime, mentioned to him that he shouldn’t say Biden’s name so much and so Trump says he doesn’t even like to “mention Biden because he’s not controlling anything.” Ingraham asks who is, and Trump takes a step into the mindless bog of narcissistic egotism that millions of Trump voters (and independents) live inside of these days … conspiracy theory!
TRUMP: People you’ve never heard of. People who are in the dark shadows.
[This is me and my eyes opening wide.] Ingraham says this sounds like a conspiracy theory—yes, it does. It’s the foundation of literally every conspiracy theory in the history of conspiracy theories because it’s completely unverifiable and no one—except maybe the secret cabal of Jewish bankers who rule the world, er, I mean “globalists”—knows who is really a lizard person.
TRUMP: People that you haven’t heard of. People that are on the streets. People that are controlling the streets. We had somebody get on a plane in a certain city this weekend, and in the plane it was almost completely loaded with thugs wearing these dark uniforms. Black uniforms with gear and this and that. They are on a plane.
INGRAHAM: Where is this?
TRUMP: I’ll tell you sometime but it’s under investigation right now.
The heavy level of bullshit here is extraordinary. But besides the obvious projections of Trump’s own DHS and ICE forces, acting like gestapo throughout the country, in unmarked vehicles, taking people off the street and throwing them into unknown detention facilities, Trump is pitching a months old online conspiracy theory. According to NBC News, an old antifa-is-the-boogie-man conspiracy theory posted by an Idaho MAGA type pushed the idea of secret forces coming to steal Boise away from Idahoans in June. Surprisingly, nothing ever happened with that non-news story.
But, Trump, who actually has access to confidential domestic and international intelligence reports, is willing to push any bogus story he reads on Facebook or sees referenced by Sean Hannity. In the end, every fake theory Trump pushes just creates and literally arms shitty, insecure, emotionally stunted, dangerous guys who are too confused to see that they are working for Darth Vader, not fighting for freedom.