They did that call yesterday, mostly for us dems I think. That if (or more like when) the polls close up we go weak kneed and clutch our prayer beads. That is — we get scared. That — “Grow up guys and gals”— this is tribal on some level. We will not end up with every Trump voter that has appeared to turn Biden. Just need 4 out of a hundred 2016 Trump votes to do this. They are very consistent in this.
What they really meant is this — yeah the numbers will close. Get over it if it comes. Trump IS going to go full on racist — the ”law and order” bullshit. And then it got interesting —
They built their own machine (and it really cost money) — from a republican point of view — so pretty objective — that it will prove true that — 1) — any vote they may gain (actually less than 1) in the rust belt on the racist attack — they lose 1 in the sunbelt. Opportunities we may not see. To win or make them dilute their monies. Better than a zero sum game, 2) They have never seen a smaller undecided number at this point in any election — Madrid said it is between 3 and 5%. 3) We will know if this is right in about 45 days. They think NC will be off the table by then. If it happens — we win — everything.
Madrid said (I think their best numbers guy) — forget the fucking polls — that the variables in the things have not happened like this before. That no one can predict just who is a true likely voter etc… BUT one can make good predictions in the fluidity of numbers — to pick off that lean on the fence guy. That is what they are up to, really.
I was a little surprised that they did not bring up the “master swift boater” that came on for Trump yesterday — with 30 million dollars to hit us — did not even rate a response. Says everything to me — not worth even bringing up — that is how much they think of him.
So we are looking good here — and Biden is doing very well. High praise for his campaign tactics.
We will get the son of a bitch. Just don’t get weak kneed — we are in a knife fight — but we have a bigger knife.
Before that little group hits me again — go ahead and don’t give them money — but do get their good attack ads up — all they really wanted from us. People going to support the mean bastards that are LP — we already are. We do what we want to do — our money — not yours and we will do as we please.