In 2016, Trump won the military vote by roughly a 2-1 margin. 2020 won’t be a repeat of 2016. The latest annual Military Times survey (note: survey, not poll) shows Biden ahead along with significant negatives (across all groups) for Trump among respondents.
“The bottom line is that in 2020, Trump can’t be claiming to have overwhelming support in the military.” Peter Feaver, a White House adviser to former President George W. Bush who now works as a political science professor at Duke University.
Well, with all due respect to Peter, Trump certainly can (likely will?) claim “to have overwhelming support in the military” but that claim now could be fact-checked by Daniel Dale and added to the ever-mounting lists of documented Trump lies.
While not a representative polling across the military as it is solely coming from those within the Military Times subscriber base, the trend lines showing a military voter ‘wake-up’ to the incompetence, malevolence, and treasonous nature that is malignant narcissist Trump is powerful to consider. Four years ago, a clear and strong plurality had a positive perspective
on Trump (with only women and minorities not sharing that perspective) to a near majority (of all breakdowns) viewing Trump unfavorably today.
“the president claims he has been good for the military, that they’re grateful that he has rescued them from the shambles. This shows that’s not the case with all of the military.” Peter Feaver
Within every demographic, the negatives are stronger than the favorable rating. If anything, this poll might inadvertently be understating the case — does anyone expect that “minorities” have the lowest “unfavorable view” of the WNIC (White Nationalist In Chief)?
Let’s be clear, this doesn’t mean that U.S. military personnel have suddenly become Justice Democrats, AOC devotees, or even Joe Manchin Democrats. However, in the face of the Trump fascism threat, Republicans for Biden, Lincoln Project, and others are fighting with us to save Democracy. This Military Times poll indicates that a good share of the military vote is with us, too.
policy disagreements “do not necessarily show that troops are beginning to think more like Democrats, but instead that they aren’t thinking like Trump Republicans.” Feaver
Hmmm ... considering this polling, that the military vote relies on the Post Office might just be one of the reasons for Trump & DeJoy sabotaging the USPS.
NOTE: For a perspective on the 2018 poll, see Trump is losing the troops (finally)