Morning Open Thread is a daily, copyrighted post, from a host of editors and guest writers. We support our community, invite and share ideas, and encourage thoughtful, respectful dialogue in an open forum.
This series was conceived as a haven where folks can drop in to share conversation, ideas, weather reports, and music. Feel free to leave a note, comment, picture, or tune. As always the diarist gets to sleep in, and may show up long after the post is published. So you know, it's a feature, not a bug.
Pull up a chair, get your cup of tea, coffee, or other favorite morning beverage and join us for a neighborly start to the day ahead.
The theme for today’s MOT came up in the comments yesterday. Think about retirement….or not. I have been at that crossroads for some time. Truth be told, I should have retired twenty years ago, but simply could not face that prospect. I am well aware of research showing all too many retirees die shortly after retiring permanently.
Fortunately, what I do is mostly indoor work with no heavy lifting. So...I think the best thing to do is keep on keeping on as long as I have my faculties in reasonably good working order. Besides, there is a book (or two) that needs to be finished.
Retirement suggests a theme song for most everyone. What is your retirement theme song? After some reflection, I believe this one is mine.
This is the Danish National Symphony Orchestra doing a cover from Queen, written by Brian May:
This one may be the most realistic. “When I’m 94” (with apologies to the Beatles).
What will be your retirement song? What is your personal theme if, or when, you retire?
Wednesday Lagniappe:
I'm not scared of growing old, I'm just scared of not achieving everything that I want to do.
Melanie Laurent
“The Getting Old Song”
This is an open thread.
We have stories, tall tales, weather reports, critter reports, music, and companionship to spare.
Get your favorite morning beverage and join the discussion.