The latest right wing outrage…. Nancy Pelosi got a haircut.
No mentions of the real outrages, the real rule/law/norm breaking. We’re past 180,000 dead and headed far above 200k at this rate, but Nancy Pelosi got a haircut, and we’re supposed to be outraged.
Meanwhile, Trump:
- Encourages voter fraud in North Carolina
- Pisses on the Hatch Act with campaign events at government properties
- Fires every Inspector General he can, railroads every whistleblower out of government.
- Led negligent response to Puerto Rico devastation that resulted in thousands of deaths that could have been prevented.
- Ignores and dismisses Congressional subpoenas, fights criminal subpoenas, obstructing at every turn.
- ran a fraudulent charity that got shut down
- violated campaign finance laws with hush payments to a porn star… for an affair he had while his 3rd wife was home with their newborn
- encouraged (and gratefully accepted ) foreign interference in 2016
- extorted foreign interference in 2020 from Ukraine and was impeached for it
- requested further foreign interference from any countries willing to help
- Accepts NO RESPONSIBILITY for the response to Coronavirus
- Mocks people with disabilities
- Got 5 (or was it 6, who’s countin!) deferments for nonexistent bone spurs and sent others off to die in Vietnam in his place
- Attacks Gold Star family
- Attacks Purple Heart soldiers
- Attacks POWs! God bless John McCain for his vote to save Obamacare.
- Lionizes insubordinate and murderous soldiers as a signal of the behavior he wants
- Cheated to get into college
- Cheated to transfer to an Ivy League school, likely cheated during school (show us the transcripts!)
- Coddles racist killers of BLM resisters expressing their 1st amendment rights
- Pals around with pedophiles
- Admitted to sexually assaulting women, has been credibly accused of rape and assault.
- Uses pardons and commutations as a way to protect himself and create chaos
- Lines his pockets with emoluments
- Lines his pockets further by using his own properties for government business
- Ripping off donors to the tune of tens of millions for his inauguration
But they want me to be worried that some salon in San Francisco with a political axe to grind made a gotcha video of Pelosi going to get her hair cut when she was the only person in the salon, and no one was at risk.
MmmmK. Anyway, how are you today? Did I miss anything?