“Bo Vine here, coming to you from the KOW studios in Earnest, Illinois, where as you already know, We Know Our World.” “Tonight, I’m proud to present the 2020 Pootie Party Debate”
“But first, a word from our sponsor.”
Bo Vine at the KOW news desk.
“Before we begin tonight’s debate, I’d like to take time to recognize the innovative achievements of a good friend and colleague.” “Hank, was a pioneer in Internet technology.”
“Though Hank is no longer with us, his work lives on in the broadcasting industry.”
Hank at his earliest machine working on code.
“Hank set up the first network where he hired Lab Technicians to relay information to varied sites.”
”Today, our own technical team keeps the news fresh using Hank’s system.” “Thank you Hank for all you have given the industry.”
Sam, the IT member of KOW TV.
“We return to the studio where the candidates have already taken the stage. Candidate Ginger will be broadcasting via conference call because she has self quarantined after meeting with International leaders. A poster of her will be used for this presentation.”
Former VP Biden Pootie Party Candidate Andy Pootie Party Candidate Ginger
Technical difficulties.
“It appears an unauthorized poster was placed on Ginger’s podium by mistake. The official poster has been installed.” “Let’s hear from the candidates. You’re up first Ginger.”
“Thank you Ginger. Mister Biden, will you please make a statement?”
“Thank you Mr. Vice President. I offer the stage to our final candidate Andy.”
“Andy, do you have a question for Mr. Biden?”
“I’m not sure about that question, however, do you wish to respond Mr. Biden?”
“Gentlemen, let’s please keep a civil tone and our comments on America’s interests. Was there a question you had for candidate Ginger Mr. Biden?”
“It seems that Ginger has ended her call. Sorry about that folks. Let’s continue Please.”
“It seems that Vice President Biden has left the studio. We still have one candidate left on the stage. Do you care to make a statement Andy?”
Toona for All!
There will be no exit poll for this debate. However, discussions are encouraged.