The following citations are from the stories at the time — covering Donald’s outrageous No-Show to the commemoration of the 100th year anniversary of the ending of WWI.
I recall at time, Donnie despising being “upstaged” by France’s popular leader Emmanuel Macron; That and the rumors of Vanity-One, not wanting his wig-work to waffle … to wilt in the November rain.
There were the “many excuses” they gave the rightfully shocked press in the days to follow ...
BBC News — Nov 12, 2018
Mr Trump, who was in France to mark the centenary of World War One's end, cancelled a visit to a US military cemetery because it was raining.
Bad weather and "near-zero visibility" grounded the presidential helicopter, White House officials said.
French, German and Canadian leaders attended memorial events on Saturday.
Notable criticism came from British Defence Minister Tobias Ellwood, who took an apparent swipe at the president on Twitter, saying "rain did not prevent our brave heroes from doing their job"
Why Didn't Donald Trump Visit Military Cemetery in France? White House Blames Motorcade
Initially, the White House blamed bad weather for Trump's absence at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery and Memorial in northern France, about 60 miles from Paris, on Saturday. Following a wave of criticism, the White House altered its reasoning on Monday and said the only way Trump could have made it to the cemetery was by car, which would have interfered with the roads. Trump's helicopter was grounded due to the weather.
"The President and First Lady's trip to Aisne-Marne American Cemetery and Memorial has been canceled due to scheduling and logistical difficulties caused by the weather," the White House said in a statement on Saturday.
White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, a retired Marine General, attended the event on Trump's behalf along with the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, Marine General Joe Dunford and other White House officials.
For reasons not fully clear — but apparently related to inclement weather — Trump on Saturday canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in Belleau, about 55 miles east of Paris. Trump drew wide criticism for skipping the ceremony, at the site of one of the greatest battles ever fought by Marines.
White House officials said the weather was too poor for Trump to travel to the cemetery by helicopter. In response to critics who said Trump could have made the trip by car, the White House issued a statement Sunday night saying Trump did not want to disrupt traffic around Paris.
At the event, Trump was isolated from other world leaders not only ideologically, but physically. He arrived at the Arc de Triomphe event separately from them and skipped a symbolic walk with the group at the moment when fighting in the war ended 100 years ago.
The White House said “security protocols" caused Trump to skip the walk.
www.nydailynews.com — Nov 11, 2018
<em>Damn this Loser Wind!</em>
Here were 2 contemporaneous Tweets at the time, deriding Donald Trump’s fear of “the falling rain drops, in France” ...
For more pix of Donald Trump dodging the rain drops in France, go here.
It was all the outrage at the time — Trump’s fear of a “bad hair day” — thus the ever-changing excuses the White House gave, for Trump’s No-show on this solemn 100th anniversary. A celebration of Peace, no less.
They gave every excuse in the book — except for the right one — that Donald Trump is a deferment-toting coward, who has no respect, no honor, and no right being America’s Commander-in-Chief.
No more lies. No more years … for DJ Trump!
There’s a former Trump voter … waking up and voting for Biden, every minute ...
The only “suckers and losers” in America, will those who decide to give this democracy-hating conman a second chance, to demolish what’s left of the country — from his first four years.
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What goes around ...
Even the Teflon Don ...