On Thursday, Trump tweeted a picture of himself with “FIGHT FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP!” alongside. It says “volunteer to be a Trump Election Poll Watcher” with a website armyfortrump.com where you can “assist Team Trump” and join “grassroots operations across the country on Election Day… activities such as precinct coverage.” There’s a video asking you to be part of the president’s “Election Day Operations”.
This shit scares me. Trump is asking his lunatic, gun-toting, rabid, racist, mentally impaired followers to fight for him at the polls ON ELECTION DAY. Trump wants his cult to monitor the polls for anyone who isn’t them and then what… cause trouble? It doesn’t surprise me that his followers would show up on Election Day, wave flags and yell at Biden supporters. What surprises me is how blatantly Trump wants this to be a war and is calling for his army (in militaristic terms) to fight for him at the polls.
If his followers can disrupt and start a big fight at Democratic leaning polling stations, they would have to shut down. Trump loves and wants chaos on Election Day and this open “call to arms” for his lunatic fringe to protect his presidency at the polls is scaring me like not much else has scared me lately. His people could cause a mini civil war inside a Democratic city, shut down polling stations and Trump will blame the Democratic mayor for lawlessness.
Chaos at the polling stations is Trump creating another reason he can claim this coming election is rigged.
Maybe I’m overreacting because I believe Biden will win no matter what bag of tricks Trump throws at him. I just don’t want to see people getting hurt because they want to vote this asshole out.