Cheers and Jeers archive and future editions here. Way, way more than 2 thanks to The One, our Wicked Wizard of Wit and writer of Who Won the Week, Willhelm von kosland!
- Joy Reid, whose new show The ReidOut delivered MSNBC its highest 7pm hour ratings in the network's history
- The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, for denying Michael Flynn's demand that the judge presiding over his case adjourn without sentencing him
- Equality in Anchorage, as Alaska's largest city becomes the first to ban the quack practice of conversion therapy to turn gay kids straight or trans kids cis
- The 250,000 people who signed up this week to be poll workers on November 3rd via Power The Polls...and Old Navy for offering to pay employees who volunteer to be poll workers
- The California wildfire and Louisiana/Texas hurricane first responders and relief workers
- Team Biden: $364 million August haul; post-convention bounce for Joe but not Trump; slew of new polling show national and state leads; Kenosha visit offers comfort and agenda for racial equality
- Africa, where polio has officially been eliminated from all 47 countries, according to the World Health Organization
- Karma, as anti-Semitic "Trump boat parades" organizer Carlos Gavidia is charged in Florida with a felony for threatening to kill one of his neighbors
- Americans' privacy rights, as the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rules that NSA’s bulk collection of Americans’ phone records (a program exposed by Edward Snowden) was unconstitutional
- Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic, for breaking the story of President Trump's open denigration ("losers," "suckers") of American soldiers wounded or killed in combat
Spoiler Alert … Top Results of Bill’s poll —
- Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic, for breaking the story of President Trump's open denigration ("losers," "suckers") of American soldiers wounded or killed in combat — 62%
- The 250,000 people who signed up this week to be poll workers on November 3rd via Power The Polls...and Old Navy for offering to pay employees who volunteer to be poll workers — 11%
- Team Biden: $364 million August haul; post-convention bounce for Joe but not Trump; slew of new polling show national and state leads; Kenosha visit offers comfort and agenda for racial equality — 9%
US military have flipped to a very unfavorable view of Pres Trump
Readers and members of Daily Kos rise in support of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
On Monday, I posted an End-of-month Money Bomb for Joe and Kamala, and we were off to the races. In 6 days, readers and members of Daily Kos have donated $12,745 to our group’s campaign! Once again, it’s amazing to watch the generosity of Kosacks.
On Tuesday, I began posting this evolving message in popular diaries, perhaps you've seen it:
Dear Readers and Members of Daily Kos:
Please donate to Joe and Kamala via our new Kosack ActBlue fundraising page for readers and members of Daily Kos.
Let’s muzzle the huddled mastiff yearning to plead the fifth!
Please use our ActBlue page to donate to their campaign. We blew past our goal, which reset to $25,000. We started today at $12,745! More than half way to our new goal! If you donated already, thank you! A grassroots effort for readers and members of Daily Kos. Solidarity. Bragging rights.
- Joe and Kamala need volunteers too.
- Follow our group to bring funding diaries into your Stream (Daily Kos Inbox) and support them.
- Please switch your recurring ActBlue donation to our group’s ActBlue page.
- This is a crowd-sourced, not a top-down Daily Kos fundraiser.
Please support diaries where you see the above announcement using the Daily Kos ways. If you’d like to help our group by posting the above comment in diaries and Republishing those diaries to the group Fund Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, please let me know.
Screenshot taken when we had less than 50 pins. Now we have four in Asia, three in Europe, and two mid-Pacific.
Our map of Gnuville: About 430 of us have shared our global locations.
To leave your mark, please drop a comment or send them a kosmail: tljdk, silverfoxcruiser, keepiru, djbodhi. Please include city and state only, NOT street number and street. (Persist, we are volunteers.)
Tech Talk for Members of Daily Kos
- Got a Daily Kos tech question? Let us know.
- Solved a tech question recently? Please feel free to repeat in the comments.
Good News Roundups 7 x 7: These Gnusies lead the herd @ 7 a.m., 7 days a week:
- Jessiestaf — Mondays.
- Alternating Tuesdays: NotNowNotEver and niftywriter.
- Alternating Wednesdays: karij and arhpdx.
- Thursdays: pucklady the 1st Thursday, Mokurai the 2nd, oldhippiedude the 3rd, MCUBernieFan the 4th, and Mokurai the 5th (when there is one).
- chloris creator — Fridays.
- GoodNewsRoundup — Saturdays.
- 2thanks — Sundays — A brief roundup of Roundups, a retrospective, a smorgasbord, a bulletin board, an oasis, a watering hole, a thunder of hooves, a wellness.
The 6 R’s of the Resistance
I added Refresh to the Rest line last week, and this week I’ve bumped Refresh and Rest position #1, because refreshing and resting are very important during the home stretch. It’s been an exhausting 3-1/2 years, and we don’t want you to drop by the wayside.
- Refresh and Rest: Take care of yourself, eat well, exercise, and rest.
- Resist: Protest on the streets, call senators and representatives, etc.
- Rebel: Run for office, GOTV (Get Out The Vote), support a progressive.
- Revolt: Change the laws, change the culture, build your communities.
- Rely: Trust that millions of others are fighting the good fight.
- Rejoice: Joy promotes resilience and gives rise to hope.
How to Resist: Do Something …
… Say Something
Looking at you, listening for your comment. (Click here for huge image)
We welcome comments in Roundups every day regarding:
- National or local Good News.
- Links, stories, music, videos, quotes, tweets. (No tweets or images of the saffron chlamidiot, please.)
- Your resistance activity.
In my Sunday smorgasbord Roundups, I especially welcome the following types of comments:
- Who won YOUR week?
- Questions about Daily Kos tech issues or our map.
- Good News Roundups and you.
Thank you for fighting for truth and justice with all us Gnusies! Although 40% of our Readers don’t visit every day, that’s okay, we all do what we can. For 3 years, we’ve shared positive news, laughed, organized, resisted, rebelled, revolted without being revolting, relied, rested, mentored, created, crossed rivers, chewed our cud, puffed methane out both ends, and laughed. Here’s looking at you, kid, and standing upwind! Moo if you are proud of us!
As always, please share more Good News than I can find or provide.
This is a group diary, and by my power I declare this Good Gnus Salo(o)n open! Let the good-news sharing and community building begin!
Power with, not power over ❤️ ✊ ❤️
2thanks (he, his)