The Earth is burning and flooding and plagued and desperate.
We need Democratic wins up and down the ballot to preserve our country, our way of life, even our Earth. We have a rare opportunity for a shocking upset in South Carolina with Jaime Harrison. The race is a toss up, and this could be the election that takes the gavel out of Mitch McConnell’s hands.
On a state level, I can tell you that we need Mr. Harrison in South Carolina. Lost-cause Lindsey Graham has been an abomination on the national level, and, on top of that, he has been useless to actual South Carolinians.
I’m tired of living in a state with so many fucking racists, where the word “union” has been stricken from the language, where the state is ranked 44th in the nation in education, with “one of the least educated populations among the 50 states,” and where the state ranks 44th, again, in healthcare, and 42nd in poverty rate.
There is a bright spot. South Carolina does have something to brag about with its excellent third-place ranking in worst Coronavirus hotspots in the entire world. That’s right! The entire world.
I misspoke.
Third-worst in the world in the number of Coronavirus cases per million is not a bright spot. It is Hell. And we are here because of Republicans. A win by Jaime Harrison, and we can start to see actual change in this state.
The story of Jaime Harrison is the story of our struggle. He rose from poverty and homelessness to reach the heights of education and professionalism. He also produced the best campaign video that I have ever seen. This is a great and short comic-book-like look at the story of Jaime Harrison:
This is another of those beautiful wonderful interesting comic-book-like looks at what motivated Jaime Harrison to run for the Senate:
Jaime Harrison hits the high notes that you would expect in what had been a deep red state until we had the opportunity to vote for him: Healthcare, growth of the middle class, protecting Seniors, ending poverty and rebuilding South Carolina’s infrastructure.
Because of the orange garbage fuckpudding and his puppet Lindsey Graham, Jaime has added some other issues of import, including:
In South Carolina, we have ports and beaches that need protection. I’ve told my neighbors here that if we do not stop Climate Change, in ten years of melting ice, Myrtle Beach will be called Myrtle. Jaime Harrison gets that.
He cannily puts the issue in terms that even a Republican could under$tand:
Having spent most of his life in South Carolina, Jaime remembers when historic floods happened once in a lifetime instead of regularly. Now, sea level rise in Charleston and the Southeast could cost our economy $47 billion. Droughts are causing wildfires in the Upstate, and stronger hurricanes and flooding put millions at risk. Climate change is an existential threat to our coastal communities, and it is beginning to affect areas that previously never had to consider emergency preparation.
Graduation; This picture made me cry three times now
Some years ago, I was living in Illinois and closely following a hotly contested Senate campaign between two very skillful politicians. I thought to myself—and told everybody who would stop to listen—“One or both of these men will become President of the United States one day.” Of course, one of those fellows got waylaid by a sex scandal that did not involve an actress from Star Trek.
The other fellow became President of the United States.
Comparisons are never complete, and some might say, should never be made, but I see the same joie de vie, similar skill and intelligence, ground-breaking campaigning, and with one break like a win against Lindsey Graham, well, who knows?
Jaime Harrison has called for a “New South.” With folks like Stacey Abrams and him leading the way, I could see it happening. The polls have shown Lindsey Graham to be vulnerable. When he started his campaign, Mr. Harrison wasn’t even on the charts. Now, it is a neck-and-neck race.
The demographics in South Carolina are also changing.
My two neighbors in Myrtle Beach are from Maryland and Maryland. On the other side of them, you have New York and New Jersey. There has been a massive influx from the Northeast to South Carolina. Why? I don’t know. But I appreciate the new allies.
There are “six military bases and 37,507 active service members in South Carolina,” and that doesn’t take into account the retirees from decommissioned bases—like the one in Myrtle Beach. Hell, the most recent poll that I saw between VP Biden and the impeached traitor weasel had Joementum within five points in South Carolina.
Then, there’s the “Kamala Effect.”
I did personal surveys about who VP Biden should pick for his running mate among friends and acquaintances. Kamala Harris won every survey. Not only that, she has energized people in South Carolina. That energy didn’t help her in the primary, but it is real, and it will help us in November. Of course, Vice President Joe Biden has many supporters in the Palmetto State as well.
I’ve stolen this from JoanMar, the President and CEO of our group, Support the Dream Defenders, because this is exactly how you can help:
- Join us this Labor Day for our All-Day, All-Social Media #TheJaimeHarriThon Fundraiser
- Donate to Jaime
- Volunteer for Jaime
- Follow Jaime on Twitter: @harrisonjaime
- Share Angela Marx's diary tomorrow at 10:00 am (Eastern)
- Retweet and like
We are not affiliated in any way with Jaime Harrison or his campaign. We just like him!