As usual, I’m rushing to write something for 5:00. It’s 3:45 right now, I just got back from a two hour drive on Highway 9. It went good...ish.
My grandma gets car sick and I also am not a big fan of one lane roads. On the way back to the house we had to take one of those roads. I didn't see anyone behind me so I was just cruising at 15 mph in first gear. I noticed someone behind me so I went faster, I was fine with going faster and I know not to push myself out of my comfort zone. Unfortunately, 25 mph (10 over the speed limit) was not fast enough for him.
He decided to tailgate and honk at me excessively. This went on for about ten minutes since the only place to pull over was to drive off the cliff. Which, surprisingly wasn’t appealing at the time. When I pulled over he honked and flipped me off so I rolled down my window and flipped him then kindly screamed “I’m sixteen asshole.” He continued to flip me off and drove 5 mph for about 15 minutes. He was riding his brakes down the hill so hard his car was shaking.
Finally I made it to the intersection and took the opportunity to speed around him. It was a long, straight road and I could see the intersection at the other side so I could see that it was safe to pass him. After passing him I stopped at the next intersection and waved to him through my rear window. Then I went onto the highway, I was way ahead of him for a while but he caught up to me.
We ended up taking the same exit and I had to follow him through downtown before I had to pull up in the turn lane next him. I smiled and blew him a kiss as he flipped me off. My grandma and I were just vibing, singing The Beatles the entire time.
Anyways, that was my day. I hope everyone had a good day! (Also I get my license in two weeks!!)