I never thought I’d be thanking Donald Trump, but here I am.
Last week, Trump announced that Joe Biden was being controlled by “People in dark shadows.”
The first thing I thought was, “Oh my God! He’s being controlled by Barnabas and Angelique.”
If you are under 60, there’s a good chance you don’t know who I’m talking about.
If you are my age or older, maybe you remember the daytime drama that followed the spooky doings at Collinwood, a mansion on the coast of Maine.
You remember Barnabas Collins, the vampire, who didn’t like biting people on the neck and drinking their blood. But you do what you have to to get by.
You remember Angelique, better looking that Samantha on “Bewitched”, but not at all nice. Not a good witch.
You remember Josette, the ghost, whose presence was announced by the scent of jasmine.
You remember Quentin, the hot werewolf. There was a soppy song called “Quentin’s Theme” that got a lot of airplay one summer. I think I owned a 45 of the tune.
I hadn’t thought of “Dark Shadows” in years.
Thank you Donald Trump, for reminding me of the series, that I enjoyed so much.
Thanks to Trump, I know my friend Deborah did the family ironing while watching the show. Tim had the hots for Angelique. Katie was a fan. Liam liked it, and his girlfriend, who is about half his age, watched it on the Sci Fi channel, in bygone days. My sister sent me a meme, with Johnny Depp, who starred in a movie parody, as Donald Trump.
I have fond memories of the soap that was kind of like “Twilight” only with better writing and hokey special effects.
In the midst of the turmoil of the sixties, it was nice to escape to the strange world of Collinwood.
If one of the streaming services wanted to revive the series, I’d subscribe.
So, I am, just a tiny bit grateful, to Donald Trump for reminding me of one of the pleasures of my youth, and helping me find out how many of my friends were fans.
But I still hope he loses, and loses big in November.
Even if Mr. Biden were controlled by supernatural forces, he would still be a better president than Donald Trump.