One of Donald Trump’s best opportunities to steal this election comes from his attempts to depict the Democrats as fostering chaos in the streets of our cities. It doesn’t matter that it is 99% lies — like the picture above of riots in Spain being used to depict protests in the USA. It doesn’t matter that much of the violence is arguably being initiated by Trump followers being blatantly provocative or acting as agent provocateurs. It doesn’t even matter that there have been way too many incidents of police brutality against minorities. Certainly, the core of Trump’s supporters could care less about the truth. Heck, fully a 3rd of Republicans believe QAnon is “mostly true”… When people believe such outlandish nonsense as the QAnon conspiracy, there’s isn’t much that can be done to change their minds.
While turnout is key to removing Trump from office, we also have to make at least some effort to reach those voters who are confused by all of the lies. We all know that the election hinges on a handful of states. States that have been enormously fickle in the past & states which contain a lot of people who voted, both for Obama & for Trump. Perhaps Biden’s biggest liability is the perception that he is a Washington “insider” & too many people are so upset with the system that they are adverse to voting for “another career politician.”
I would like to suggest a proposal to try & take away one of the big right wing lies talking points. The motto “Black Lives Matters” has been distorted by the right wing to suggest that minorities are demanding special treatment rather than just demanding to be treated as equals. They have offered counter narratives of “all lives matter” & “blue lives matter” just to list the prevalent counters. As if spouting truisms would eliminate the truth that racial justice is sorely lacking in American society.
I would like to offer a simple counter to the inference that BLM is advocating for “elitism.”
“Black Lives Matters Too”
With this one slight change, we can shoot down their argument in opposition to the BLM movement that it is elitist & separatist. It conveys the same message as BLM while taking away the suggestion being made by the right wing that BLM is advocating for special treatment rather than just demanding that all people be treated with the respect & dignity that should be inherent in being a human on this planet. Let’s remove just one more bullet from the Republican’s arsenal of lies & deceit. Please help spread an improved narrative that clearly declares that we respect all people but will not accept treating minorities as 2nd class citizens.
This election is going to be much closer than it should. Too many otherwise reasonable people pay too little attention to the details & are susceptible to lies & distortions. We need Biden to win by a landslide to reduce Trump’s opportunity to steal the election & steal “The People’s House.” We need, not just the progressive rank & file. We need to convince as many of the “middle of the road” majority of people who rarely pay attention to politics & are mostly preoccupied with living their own lives without being bothered by the goings on in the halls of politics. BLM2 will clarify for many that Black Lives Matters isn’t about a special interest group but is about the interests of all groups, regardless of race, religion, sexuality or ethnicity. Too many uninvolved people are susceptible to the argument that BLM is just another group looking for special treatment. BLM2 makes it clear that we are all in this together & we need to all pull together. Separation is the path to disaster. Unity is the key to success. BLM2 makes clear that this movement is not about “special interests,” it is about the interests of all of humanity.