NO, I am not going to vote for Mitt Romney. I will be voting for Joe Biden. I have, and will continue to donate to Biden Harris.
I still believe Ralph Nader, and the Green party gave George Bush the 2% he needed to beat Al Gore.
I believe we are again, under a big threat by Fox News, Russia, and a lot of Republicans, with them pushing Kanye West onto several ballots. It’s going to matter. What if Kanye West only produces 2% of votes ? Game over. Trump wins.
I am only suggesting we fight fire with fire.
I do not know how to achieve this, but here is my tiny start.
“I am a life long Republican, and I can’t vote for Trump after what he has said about our military, and what I watched him say about John McCain, so I will be writing in my vote for Mitt Romney, as my protest vote”.
Am I a life long Republican? Nope. I have never voted Republican.
I am getting tired of the Democratic path of “Fight fair, and lose”
So, there you go.
My attempt at trying to level the playing field in this weaponized area of the election.