Just a short one but the headline grabbed me in fear.
Does anyone else think the latest proposal on government spending is just a set up for one last massive FU to America if and when the votes come in to confirm the Rethugs have lost the White House and the Senate control. CNBC is reporting here that the latest proposal from the White House on the budget is to approve a short term funding bill that expires in December. What does anyone think will happen if Biden wins and Moscow Mitch knows he will lose Senate control? My guess is a DOA Senate proposal December 1 and then Mitch goes on recess. This is likely to lead to something over a 30 day shut down — probably until close to January 31 (inauguration plus getting the Senate rules approved). They put on a parachute and put the plane in a dive after locking the cockpit door— have fun passengers on the good plane We Just Screwed You.
Anyone else worried that Donnie and Mitch would burn the house down and throw the keys at Biden and Schumer and say “have fun fixing that”?