It’s all in a lawsuit filed in January by “Jane Doe,” against Ghislaine Maxwell and against Jeffrey Epstein’s estate.
Doe (Maxwell?) has demanded a jury trial.
One wonders what will come out during the criminal trial…….
The woman alleges that Epstein abused her at his residences in Florida, New York and New Mexico and was his first victim.
“Jane Doe was their first known victim and was subsequently abused by Epstein and Maxwell for years as a young girl, suffering unimaginable physical and psychological trauma and distress,” the lawsuit reads.
The lawsuit further alleges that Epstein took the girl to Mar-a-Lago in Florida and introduced her to its owner, Donald Trump, who was not yet in the White House at the time. The lawsuit reads: “Introducing 14-year-old Doe to Donald J. Trump, Epstein elbowed Trump playfully asking him, referring to Doe, ‘This is a good one, right?’ Trump smiled and nodded in agreement. They both chuckled and Doe felt uncomfortable, but, at the time, she was too young to understand why.”
Here are the relevant parts of the lawsuit.
My youngest daughter is 14. I can’t imagine the depravity it takes to be Trump.