A number of years ago, I saw a musician friend perform a song I’d never heard before. It fit my friend’s voice so well and he sang it so beautifully I was sure he’d written it. I meant to ask but the moment passed and life moved on. I’ve never heard the song since.
Last night I was in my usual Saturday night haunt, the virtual world of Second Life. After a bit of live music by another friend, I headed over to the Lonely Yak — a place where for the past dozen years there’s been a DJ and progressive friends every Saturday night. As I danced and chatted about current events, the DJ cued up the next song, and my jaw dropped… IT WAS THAT SONG!
Before we jump the story break and get to tonight’s Tops, please enjoy “Lonely Night In Georgia”, by Marc Broussard. It was released in 2004 and I will not let years go by before I hear it (or more music by this artist) again.
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For what may be the most epic tale of a song once heard then never heard again, check out podcast Reply All’s episode “The Missing Hit” (described in a Guardian article here). K1 and I listened to it in the car one day and it was the best 50 minutes of audio I’d ever heard.
Let us know your tales of songs heard and forgotten, or heard and remembered years later!
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