Nothing has hit me so hard as Trump calling our troupes chumps and losers. My family has a long history of being in the military. Here are my heroes in my family.
My father Jack L. Wilson
My Dad volunteered to be in World War II. Dad was a genuine genius. He was a wiz at electronics. He worked on the Friend or Foe project, a project that saved many lives. Dad was eventually sent to the Eastern front on the island of Tinian.
My Uncle Eugene (Gene) Hughes
Uncle Gene wanted to fight in World War II. He lied about his age to get into the Army. He was captured in the European front and spent the rest of the war in a prisoner of war camp.
My Uncle Norwood (Bud) Hughes
My Uncle Bud worked on the Western front during World War II. He remained in the Army and retired with honors.
My Aunt Beth and her fiance Julian.
Julian was the love of Aunt Beth’s life. He was captured on the Eastern front and died in a Japanese prisoner of war camp. Aunt Beth never got over the loss. She wore his engagement ring for the rest of her life.
My Aunt Hazel Wilson.
Aunt Hazel was another family member who volunteered to serve in World War II. She became a chef and fed our soldiers.
Aunt Whee, Uncle Pete, and cousin Janet.
My Aunt Rene was married to Pete a World War II soldier.
My brother Michael (Mike) Wilson
Michael volunteered to be in the Army. He was a chaplain’s assistant and served in Vietnam. He won the bronze star for bravery. His camp was under attack and he put two wounder comrades over his shoulder and got them to safety. That night in the shower he discovered that he had a shrapnel wound in his leg. He refused the Purple Heart feeling that others deserved it more.
This is my family. They are not chumps. They are not losers. They are brave and served our country well.