The spectacular couple Morena Baccarin and Ben McKenzie are teaming up to raise money for the Texas Ten: Ten candidates with a chance to flip the TX House and end the State’s outrageous gerrymanering. Helping them are George Takei, Piper Perabo and others.
Morena’s tweet from Saturday has the link to donate, and attaches Ben’’s tweet with the video of the two of them that helped raise more than $150,000.
Why does this matter?
- Democratic control of the TX House can result in nine additional seats in the US House.
- Turnout in these races will drive turnout to win TX for Biden-Harris and put MJ Hegar over the line against the unconscionable John Cornyn.
- TX policy can change to save lives and livelihoods by expanding Medicaid and reforming education.
Can it be done?
- Beto carried 9 districts held by Rs in 2018 and lost by 1, 2 or 3 % in 8 more.
- Biden leads Trump by double digits in some of these urban and suburban districts.
- There are great candidates like Keke Williams. an African American retired Army captain in a competitive district where most voters live off the Ft. Hood base in Killeen/Harker Heights, Bell County.
- I don’t think these military communities are repsonding well to the C in C’s “Losers” comments.
Who is involved?
Besides Marina, Ben, George and Piper:
- Pete Schenkkan (Ben’s dad; vetted Sen. Bentsen for VP in 1988, represented then Cong. Chet Edwards in his vetting for VP in 2008).
- Texas House Democratic Campaign Committee (its job is to flip the TX house).
- Collective Impact helps celebrities ID key influencers among their followers, message them to fundraise, recruit volunteers, register, etc.
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