According to Wikipedia, there are many names for the Devil. These three might be handy.
Gorgo—dim. of Demogorgon, Greek name of the devil
O-Yama—Japanese name for Satan
Pwcca—Welsh name for Satan
Pictured above is Rep. James Spillane, a Republican State Legislator in New Hampshire. He is in trouble, but not anything close to good trouble.
“Public Service Announcement,” Spillane wrote in FaceBook earlier this week. “If you see a BLM sign on a lawn, it’s the same as having a porch light on at Halloween. You are free to burn and loot that house.” Naturally the Department of Justice is investigating this clear instigation of violence. Obviously against any one anti-racist and apparently some houses on Halloween.
And it gets better/worse. There is outrageous Spillane history and he is running for reelection this year. Last year he lost his seat on the House Fish and Game Committee after he tweeted a graphic photo of a squirrel he shot in his yard. And he was convicted of DUI and reckless conduct in 2010 and for driving with an open container in 2018.
So it occurs to me the the Grand Old Party has moved from Greedy Old Party to Satan, pure and simple. Full disclosure - I am in no means religious. But sometimes the symbols work to communicate even to non-believers.
Many of the Nazis plead “I was just following orders” at Nuremberg. It did not work then. Falling in line behind impeached resident Trump can not excuse all of this any more.
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